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User Agreement

Please read these terms carefully as they set out our and your legal rights and obligations in relation to our website.
By using our website, you agree to be bound by these terms; If you register on the site, we will explicitly ask you to agree to these terms.
We do not make a backup of these Terms that you submit and may no longer be available on our website in the future. So you can print these terms for future reference.
We provide transaction services to buyers and sellers, but we are not a party to the sale of products to buyers or to the purchase site, and therefore we are not responsible for any such sale or the terms of sale of any Seller's products. Except for a limited role in processing payments, we do not participate in any underlying transactions between buyers and sellers in any form. Please refer to Clause 14.7 for details.
If we sell products directly through the Website, such sales are fully subject to our terms of Sale.


I.Definition and interpretation
      1.1 In our Terms:
      “Buyer "means a person (legal or natural person) who purchases or intends to purchase a product through the website (this person may refer to the drug Screen itself, for example when the drug Screen notifies the seller);
      "Catalog Information" means information about products on or in connection with this website;
      "Force Majeure Event" means any event beyond our reasonable control (including, but not limited to, disconnection of the Internet or part of the Internet, supply problems with any of our Internet providers, hacking, virus or other malware attacks or infections, power outages, corporate disputes with any third party, government regulations, fire, flood, disaster, civil disorder, terrorist attack or war) );
      "Intellectual Property" means all intellectual property rights occurring anywhere in the world, whether registered or unregistered (including any application or right to apply), Including but not limited to copyright, moral rights, performers' rights, performers' moral rights, confidential information, trade secrets, business names and domain names, trademarks, patents, utility models, design rights, database rights and unfair competition rights;
     "Drug screen fee" has the meaning given in Article 11.1;
     "Drug Screen Warranty" means the warranty provided by Drug Screen to protect buyers, as detailed on the website;
     "Products" means chemicals and compounds primarily used in laboratory research, sold by Seller to Buyer through the Website;
     "Purchase Price" means the amount paid by Buyer to Seller for the purchase of Products through the Website;
     "Offer" means a non-binding offer made by Seller in response to Buyer's request for the Products in accordance with Article 7 (which must include all Seller's terms and conditions of Sale);
     "Seller" means a person who sells or plans to sell products through the Website (other than Drugscreen - the sale of these companies' products will be governed only by the DrugScreen Terms of Sale);
     "Seller Information" means all information relating to Seller and/or Seller's products that is hosted or posted on, transmitted through, or made available to Buyer on the Website;
     "Seller's Terms" means the terms and conditions under which Seller sells the Products;
     "Terms" means these Terms of Use, and any amendments to them;
     "User Content" means all works, materials and content that you copy, store, host, transmit, send, post or distribute through the Site;
     "Site" means or any subsequent website we run from time to time.


Ii. Intellectual property rights
      2.1 We or our licensors own the intellectual property rights on the Website and the materials on the Website.
      2.2 You may view, and download, and print pages from this Website for your own use and distribution within your organization only for caching purposes, subject to the following restrictions.
      2.3 Unless you own the relevant material or the relevant rights licensee, you shall not:
               (a) Republish material from this website (including republish it on another website);
               (b) sell, rent or sublicense materials on the Site; or
               (c) Distribute or redistribute material from this Website.
      2.4 You may not edit or modify any material on this website except for the following:
             (a) You act in respect of the material in which you own or are a licensee of the relevant rights;
      2.5 You grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable license to:
             (a) Copy, store, host, transfer, send or distribute, and post on the Site all directory information and all User Content that you post (or ask us to post) on the Site; 
             (b) Copy, store, host, transmit, send or distribute all other User Content.


Iii. Acceptable Uses
     3.1 You may not use the Website:
              (a) in any way that causes or is likely to cause damage to the Site, or to the availability or accessibility of the Site;
              (b) in any illegal, illegal, fraudulent or harmful manner or in connection with any illegal, illegal, fraudulent or harmful purpose or activity;
              (c) Copying, storing, hosting, transit, sending, publishing or distributing:
                    (i) mass mailing or spam or any other material that may inconvenience or annoy Internet users;
                    (ii) material that is defamatory, obscene, indecent, hateful, discriminatory or seditious; Infringe any person's intellectual property rights or right of trust; Invasion of any person's privacy; Constitutes inciting a crime; Or is misleading, deceptive, sexually explicit, threatening, abusive, harassing or threatening; 
                    (iii) Illegal material or material that may give rise to legal action under any applicable law.
       3.2 You may not engage in any systematic data collection, scraping, data mining, data extraction or automatic data collection activities on or in connection with the Website.
       3.3 You may not use the Site to copy, store, host, transmit, send, publish or distribute any material composed of (or directly or indirectly linked to) any virus, Trojan horse, worm, time bomb or other computer programming program designed to destroy, harmfully interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or deprive any system, data or personal information.


Iv. Registered users

      4.1 Access to certain areas of the Website is restricted to registered users only.
       4.2 We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to restrict access to other areas of the Site or the site as a whole.
       4.3 You warrant that all information provided during the registration process is true, accurate, reasonably complete and not misleading.
       4.4 You undertake to keep all information we hold in the database you submit up-to-date.
       4.5 You may not allow any other person to use any user ID and password, and you must ensure that your user ID and password are kept confidential.
       4.6 You are responsible for all activities under or in connection with your User ID and password.
       4.7 We reserve the right to refuse any registered User or apply to become a registered User at any time in our sole discretion.


V. Website services
       5.1 The services provided to all registered users on the Website include:
                   (a) Molecular editing;
                   (b) Chemical search facilities;
                   (c) Facilities for browsing and viewing the seller's catalogue; and
                   (d) Services that enable the purchase of products from the seller.
      5.2 The Website services will be provided free of charge, except that the Seller will pay the Drug screen fee for all products sold through the Website.
      5.3 We may change the services offered on the Website at any time in our sole discretion, with or without notice.


Vi. Seller information and products
      6.1 The Seller must ensure that all Seller information:
                   (a) true, accurate, reasonably complete and not misleading;
                   (b) in an appropriate form or format;
                   (c) does not violate any applicable law, rule, ordinance, rule or norm;
                   (d) does not infringe any third party rights (including intellectual property rights); and
                   (e) will not bring any action against us or the Seller in any jurisdiction.
       6.2 If you find any seller information on the Site that violates these Terms, please notify us immediately.
       6.3 Products that may be sold and/or used for sale through this Website are for laboratory research purposes only, and the Seller's sale and offer for sale are lawful under all applicable laws.
       6.4 If someone believes that seller information relating to them has been published on the site in error, they should contact us and we will investigate and, where appropriate, remove such information. We will typically address any such error within 30 days of being notified of the error.


Vii. Procurement process
       7.1 In order to request the Seller to provide a quotation for the products, the Buyer must:
                  (a) Register on the website;
                  (b) Use the site's search and browsing facilities to identify desired products;
                  (c) Contact us via the website to request a quote, providing full details of the desired product, the delivery address and any specific delivery date.
       7.2 We will then contact the selected seller (or, if no specific seller has been selected, one or more sellers with the relevant products for sale) to request a quote.
       7.3 If quotes are provided, they will be passed on to the buyer.
       7.4 The Buyer may accept the offer by giving us written notice of acceptance of the offer.
       7.5 The contract for the sale and purchase of the relevant products between the Seller and the Seller shall become effective if and only if we receive a notice from the Seller confirming that the order will be executed, and we will:
                   (a) notify the Buyer that the order will be fulfilled;
                   (b) Obtain liquidation funds from the Buyer for all product payments due.
       7.6 The only products that may be purchased through this Website are compounds that are primarily used for laboratory research and are lawful for buyer to purchase and use under all applicable laws.


Viii. Order fulfillment

        8.1 The Seller must respond to the quotation request, provide the quotation and respond to the Buyer's acceptance of the quotation within a reasonable time; And Seller must make all reasonable efforts to meet the following response times:
                   (a) Reply to our request for quotation within 2 working days;
                   (b) Provide any quotation within 5 working days of receipt of the request; and
                   (c) Reply to the Buyer's acceptance of the offer within 2 working days after receiving our notice of acceptance.
        8.2 Seller and Buyer must comply with Seller's Terms and conditions in all respects.
        8.3 Seller and Buyer must comply with all applicable laws regarding any proposed or actual sale or purchase of Products.


. Minimum contractual standard
        9.1 The Seller must ensure that its Seller Terms meet the following minimum standards and that the Seller undertakes to the Drug Screen:
                  (a) Any written terms and conditions of sale must be provided by the Seller to the Buyer via quotation;
                  (b) Pricing (including any applicable delivery, insurance costs and taxes) must be transparent;
                  (c) Unless expressly agreed otherwise, delivery must be made within 30 days of acceptance of the offer;
                  (d) Appropriate methods of product delivery must be used;
                  (e) If the product is not delivered on time, or if the product delivered is materially different from the product ordered, or if the product delivered is of unsatisfactory quality, the Seller must return the entire product. Enter into the contract price with Buyer using the same payment method used by Buyer to make the original payment (including any applicable delivery, insurance charges and taxes); and
                  (f) Customs fees for products, import duties and similar payments must be paid by the buyer.


X. Buyer's payments and obligations
        10.1 The Buyer must make payments to the Company by means approved by the Company, such as credit card or bank transfer, and in accordance with the payment instructions on the Website, all amounts due due from the sale and        purchase of the product contracts entered into through the Website.
        10.2 Drug Screen will remit any money correctly received pursuant to Clause 10.1 to the appropriate Seller within 30 days of receipt of full liquidation funds, subject to deduction of Drug Screen fees in accordance with Clause 11.
        10.3 Buyer hereby agrees to the terms of the Screen Warranty (as updated from time to time at Screen's sole discretion).
        10.4 The buyer and seller agree that it is their responsibility to determine whether VAT, sales tax or other taxes apply to their transaction and to collect, report and remit any such taxes to the appropriate tax authorities.


Xi. Drug screen Bill

       11.1 对于买方按照本条款的规定进行的每次产品销售,卖方必须向我们付款:
        11.2 我们可以(自行决定):


Xii. Limited warranty
        12.1 You warrant to us that:
               (a) You may lawfully enter into and form a contract in accordance with applicable law;
               (b) You have the full authority and ability to sign these Terms and have taken all necessary steps to enable you to lawfully sign these Terms; and
               (c) The User Content and its use pursuant to these Terms will not infringe any third party intellectual property or other rights, will not violate any applicable law, and will not give rise to any litigation against us or you.
        12.2 While we endeavour to ensure that the information on the Website is correct, we do not guarantee its completeness or accuracy; We also do not undertake to ensure that the Site remains available or that the information on the Site remains up to date.
        12.3 We do not undertake to monitor your use of the Site or the use of any material posted by you or any third party on the Site.
        12.4 Subject to the warranties expressly set out in these Terms, we do not give you any warranties or make any representations about the Site or your use of the Site, and we disclaim all such warranties and representations.


         You will indemnify us against and hold us harmless from any loss, damage, costs, liabilities and expenses (including, without limitation, legal fees and any amount paid by us to third parties to settle claims or disputes on the advice of our legal counsel) arising out of your breach of any provision of this Agreement or any claim made by you arising out of your breach of any provision of these Terms.


Xiv. Limitation of liability and disclaimer
        14.1 Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury resulting from fraud or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by applicable law.
        14.2 Subject to Clause 14.1, we shall not be liable to you for any of the following:
               (a) any indirect or special loss or damage; and
               (b) any profit, contract, business, goodwill, data, earnings, revenue or expected cost savings;
               (c) Any content in accordance with these Terms or in connection with this Website, whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise.
        14.3 Furthermore, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14.1, if information and services on the Website are provided free of charge, you acknowledge that it is unreasonable for you to assume liability to us in relation to that information and those services, and we exclude all liability in relation to that information and those services.
        14.4 We shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from Force Majeure events. If a force majeure event causes us to fail or delay in fulfilling our obligations under these Terms, those obligations will be suspended for the duration of the Force majeure event.
        14.5 You accept our limits on the personal liability of our management and employees. Taking into account that interest, and subject to the provisions of Section 14.1, you accept that we are a limited liability entity and agree that you will not personally make any claims against individual managers or employees for any losses you suffer as a result of this Website. The provisions of this Clause 14.5 shall not limit or exclude the Company's own liability for the acts and omissions of our managers and employees.
        14.6 Notwithstanding the limitation of liability in these Terms, if we find ourselves liable to you, our liability will be limited in any 12-month period to:
               (a) the total drug screen charges you paid to us during this period; and
               (b) $10,000.
         14.7 Subject to Article 14.1, the Buyer and the Seller acknowledge that:
               (a) We do not identify the buyer or seller, check the credibility or good faith of the buyer or seller, or otherwise vet the buyer or seller;
               (b) We do not inspect, review or monitor Seller information;
               (c) We provide a marketplace for buyers and sellers and are not a party to the sale or purchase of products sold on the Site;
               (d) Other than our limited role in processing payments, we do not participate in any related transaction between buyer and seller in any way; and
               (e) We are not the agent of any seller or buyer;
Therefore, we are not responsible for anyone who sells or purchases any product through the Site (whether buyer or seller or otherwise); In addition, we are not responsible for any contractual obligations arising from the execution of any contract for the sale or purchase of any product, nor are we obligated to mediate between the parties to any such contract.
          14.8 Seller and Buyer:
                (a) agree to publish feedback and ratings from others on the website;
                (b) acknowledge that such feedback and ratings may be critical or defamatory; and
                (c) shall not be liable for any such feedback or rating, whether or not we are or should be aware of such feedback or rating.


Xv. Violation of terms
          15.1 Without prejudice to other rights under these Terms, if you breach these Terms in any way, or if we reasonably suspect that you have breached these Terms in any way, we may:
                (a) Delete or edit any of your seller information;
                (b) send you one or more formal warnings;
                (c) suspend your account and/or your access to the Website;
                (d) Delete your account on the Site and/or permanently bar you from using the Site;
                (e) block access to the Website from computers using your IP address;
                (f) contact your Internet service provider and ask them to block your access to the Website; And/or
               (g) bring an action against you for breach of contract or otherwise.
          15.2 If we suspend or prohibit you from accessing the Site or a portion of the Site, you may not take any action to circumvent such blocking (including, without limitation, using another account).


Xvi. General provisions
          16.1 This website contains links to other websites provided by third parties. These links are not recommendations and are for your information only. We have no control over the content of these sites and are not responsible for them, nor are we liable for any loss or damage that may result from your use of these sites.
          16.2 Drug Screen and our logo are our trademarks. We are not permitted to use these trademarks, and such use may constitute a violation of our rights. Other registered and unregistered trademarks or service marks on this site are the property of their respective owners. Unless otherwise stated, we do not endorse and are not associated with any holder of any such rights, and therefore we cannot grant any license to exercise such rights.
          16.3 If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of these terms will remain in full force and effect and such invalid or unenforceable provision or part thereof will be deemed omitted.
          16.4 Under no circumstances will we waive any provision of this Agreement, whether by act or otherwise, which will be deemed or construed as waiving that provision or any other provision.
          16.5 The agreement under this Clause is made for the benefit of both parties and is not intended to benefit any other person or is enforceable. The Parties' right to terminate, revoke or agree to any modification, change, waiver or settlement under these Terms does not require the consent of any third party.
          16.6 You may not assign, charge for, subcontract or otherwise transfer your rights and/or obligations under these Terms. Any attempt by you to do so will be invalid. We may assign, charge, subcontract or otherwise assign our rights and/or obligations under these Terms without informing you or obtaining your consent.
          16.7 We may change these terms from time to time by Posting a revised version on the Website. Your continued use of this Website constitutes your acceptance of the revised Terms.